Kamis, 29 Desember 2011


The word islam derives from the arabic word that means “surrender”. Therefore the religion islam means “submission to Allah”. The way to submit to Allah is through worshipping Him, obeying Him, following the rules in the Qur’an, and trying to follow the life of the prophet Muhammad.
People who follow this religion are called Muslims. They believe in only one God, that God is called Allah, which is the Arabic phrase for “the (only) God. Muslims read a holy book called the Qur’an. Muslims also look at the sunnah and haditsh as important guides to understand. Muhammad was the last messenger of God who spread Islam in ancient Arabia in the 7th century.
Like two other religions today, Judaism and Christianity, Islam is tought to be an Abrahamic religion, because the three religions are believed to have been started by Abraham. In all three religions, Abraham is one of God’s earliest messengers. Islam is now the second largest religion in the world with about one and a half billion followers.

Created by hendra budi gunawan (henker)
December, 29th 2011

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